Monday, November 15, 2010

Plamo Tsukurou | Battleship Kongō

by Kasper Fischer

Once again it's on. Plamo Tsukurou. All new HD episodes of the fantastic Japanese TV show on model building. I don't understand anything they say but still I feel I can learn from the show and it serves the job of inspiring me good. This modelbuilder makes a fantastic 1/700 diorama of the Japanese battleship Kongō in drydock. Super datailed, with buildings, cars, own railroad and even very very small workers. Very impressive...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Winners in the Weathering Competition

by Kasper Fischer

This was the first time I ever staged a competition so I had to make a few adjustments along the way.
I felt I had to include the audience some more in the competition and decided to make a Peoples Choice Award. This would, of cause, only be judged by the viewers. I allowed everybody to give a vote for the model, they thought was the best weathered model.

My good friend, Dino from Germany won with his awesome Tiger I and really deserved honor form the people.
I got a few pictures from him yesterday because I wanted to post them here. Big thanks to Dino for taking part in this competition. You can see his full video here.

Btw, I sorry for the slow start on the video but viva Atleti...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wintrack trackplan.

af Kasper Fischer

Jeg har igennem de sidste par år arbejdet en del med at lave en god sporplan til mit layout. Det har sgu været svært men jeg tror jeg er ved at have fundet ud af det. Tre niveauer. En skyggebanegård nederst, et mellem niveau til op og ned stigning og en station på det øverste. jeg starter med at bygge skyggebanegården og bare forbinde enderne. Jeg har nemlig SLET ikke alle de skinner jeg skal bruge. Jeg regner men at det vil tage mig et års tid at samle skinner til det øverste niveau, så jeg har god tid til at finde ud af hvordan det skal se ud.

men her er min plan...


