Saturday, May 28, 2011

Roman Trireme diorama 1/72 scale

by Michael Rieß

The Roman Trireme kit is from Zvezda ( Trireme of the Roman Emperor #9019). It is quite hard to get one of these kits these days because it is out of production. I bought my kit on ebay for about 40€. The figures are from Orion Haron and Cäsar Miniatures.
The quality of the kit is nice and the details, especially the engravings of the wood structure are excellent. The only weakness are the decals, they don´t dissolute properly and disintegrate very easy.
The kit offers a full hull and a waterline option. I built a similar trireme some years ago in the full hull option, so i decided to build a waterline model this time.

I had some trouble to create the water on the diorama. I used transparent Window Color paste and later on "Water effects" from Busch and Noch. At least it looks like water, but it is hard to create waves, because the paste is very thin fluid. I´m happy with the finished diorama anyway.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Amazing models!

by Michael Rieß

I want to show you some stunning models. I found the pictures in a german online model-building-board called "". These pieces of art are very inspireing in my opinion.

1/35 scale models and dioramas:

1/72 scale models and dioramas:

I hope you enjoyed the pictures.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Märklin Kellerbahn

by Kasper Fcscher

Well, it only took me 5 months but I finally edited the Kellerbahn footage. I'm really satisfied how the video turned out though it's nothing like planned. I might make another edit if I feel inspired but I'm not sure.

Hope you all enjoy the video.

Marcomannic warrior, Pegaso Models 75mm

by Michael Rieß

Pegaso Models offers various white metal figures with excellent quality, and this figure is no exeption. Some filler was needed around the shoulders, but this is quite normal and no problem.

I painted the figure with acrylic paints from Revell and Lifecolor. Oil paints from Abteilung 502 were used for the shading.

The plants on the base are from Busch and Fredericus Rex.
I used MIG pigments to depict some mud on the base

The figure depicts a Marcomannic warrior during the Marcomannic wars (166-182 A.D.). He looted the corpses of some dead Romans, that´s why he carries a Roman Pugio dagger and a Roman helmet. Loot was usually sacrificed to the gods or used in battle again.