Saturday, October 29, 2011

C4 Open 2011 in Malmö

by Kasper Fischer

I just got back home from the 20th edition of the C4 Open contest and MAN am I impressed. It has really been a long day and my legs/feets are killing me. I have been running around like a headless chicken because there was so much I had to see. The competition is held at Teknikens och Sjöfartens Hus(Technic & Seafarer's House) in Malmö, Sweden so I had to check out the Museum too. Not just the competition.

It is only 9 o'clock in the evening now but I'm of to bed. I think this will be the first time in years I will turn in before 10 but I gotta get up real early in the morning and get back over there. I will of cause post as many pictures on the blog as I can but you can deferentially also expect a few videos from the show too. I hope I can get the first edited during next week but my computer is all stressed out so I'll have to see what happens. ANYWAY, here's a couple of pictures from the event. Hope you will enjoy them...

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