Monday, October 31, 2011

Polish Winged Hussar (17th Century)

by Michael Rieß

This white metal figure from Andrea Miniatures is in my opinion the best kit in 54mm scale (1/32) I have ever seen. The kit consists of 74 parts, so the amount of details is stunning. I was scared by the number of parts, but in the end the figure went together very nicely. Some filler was needed on the back of the horse.

I painted the figure with acrylic paints from Revell and Lifecolor. The pattern of the leopard fur was created with oil paint.

The flag on the lance paper and was included in the kit, aswell as a different version of the flag.
For the base i used a very small picture frame and filled it with modelling clay "Fimo air basic".

To create a quite realistic soil i mixed white glue, water and dirt from my garden together and applied it on the base. Some grass from "Fredericus Rex" and herbage from my garden completed the base.

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