Friday, August 24, 2012

New plastic infantry from Battlefront

by Kasper Fischer

Battlefront have finally decided to step out of the dark ages and are about to release a range of plastic miniatures to replace the oldschool white metal. I have been waiting for this for quite some time because my mind really had problems dealing with the oversized proportions the metal ones provided.
On the battlefront website they have just posted these pictures from the first box set and I'm very impressed how they look and if the price is somewhat compatible with the PSC infantry set, I will certainly be making a permanent switch.


Albatros DV (1/32 ) by Keld Kofoed Hansen.

We often share our users pictures on Facebook and greatly appreciates, when people post their work on our page. Last night we asked if you guys had done any dioramas for your aircraft and Keld Kofoed Hansen, from Denmark, responded with these wonderful WWI fighters. Keld is not sure weather they qualifies as dioramas and neither are we but it really doesn't matter.
The quality of, not only the model work but also the pictures, have really impressed us and since we have an almost completely different audience here on the website, we have decided to show the rest of you too.


SE5a also in 32nd scale.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

"Stalingrad Station" diorama in 1/35 scale

by Michael Rieß

This diorama shows a fierce fighting scene during the battle of Stalingrad in 1942.
The Panzer III J is from Dragon, the figures are from Masterbox. The water pump is a resin model by Plus Model and the railway tracks are from Trumpeter.
I made the debris by my own using pieces of a smashed brick stone and plaster.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

1/72 Ural 4320 w KS-2573 - Diorama of the Day

What a brilliant idea! I really think this is a very creative way to make an attractive looking diorama. The piece was made by Péter Horváth from Cobra Modelling Club and yes it's the same guy who made the Saipan Beach Sherman, we have featured on our channel.

Great going Péter and we are looking forward to see what else comes out of your workshop, in the future. 


Sunday, August 12, 2012

1/100 scale German Infantry from Wargames Factory

by Kasper Fischer

In my quest to find suitable plastic infantry for my Flames of War army, I have come across this box from Wargames Factory. The kit has a lot of problems, as I explain in the video but it's still a very good subliment to the infantry box set from Plastic Soldier Company. I'm really looking forward to put these guys on the battlefield along my other soldiers.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Coast Line RR - Diorama of the Day

Yesterday I shared some pictures from this amazing Swedish model railroad on our Facebook page and I realized how long it has been since I showed you guys anything from that corner of the hobby. My bad and I'm going to make due for that right now.

Troels Kirk is a big model railroad fan and have been into the hobby for a long time. He is also a extraordinary model builder and his layout really shows. I'm really amazed by all the beautiful scenes he has created on the railroad and I only wish I could get an overview of the full size of the layout. Check out the cool pictures and see what you think. If you wish to see more, please visit the layout, either on Facebook or on YouTube.

-Kasper Fischer

Crossing the bridge over troubled waters.

A well hidden aircraft for the pioneers.

Dock side at the train station.