Monday, October 31, 2011

Scandinavian Airlines Flight 751 - Diorama of the Day

by Kasper Fischer

This astunishing diorama was the Best of Show in the IPMS 2011 Danish nationals. It was entered in the Documentation class and depict SAS Flight 751 that crashed in Sweden in 1991. The airliner had just left Arlanda airport when both engines cut out on the brand new, state of the art DC-9. 

The Danish pilot managed to crash land the aircraft in a field in the secluded forest of Gottöra and amazingly everybody survived. 

The diorama was build by Albert Tureczek and is mostly scratch build in 1/72 scale.

Polish Winged Hussar (17th Century)

by Michael Rieß

This white metal figure from Andrea Miniatures is in my opinion the best kit in 54mm scale (1/32) I have ever seen. The kit consists of 74 parts, so the amount of details is stunning. I was scared by the number of parts, but in the end the figure went together very nicely. Some filler was needed on the back of the horse.

I painted the figure with acrylic paints from Revell and Lifecolor. The pattern of the leopard fur was created with oil paint.

The flag on the lance paper and was included in the kit, aswell as a different version of the flag.
For the base i used a very small picture frame and filled it with modelling clay "Fimo air basic".

To create a quite realistic soil i mixed white glue, water and dirt from my garden together and applied it on the base. Some grass from "Fredericus Rex" and herbage from my garden completed the base.

C4 Open - Vehicles 1/35 scale and bigger

by Kasper Fischer

Here we go fellows. This is some of the amazing tanks, trucks and AFV's from the C4 Open competition. There's a lot more to come over the next week and I haven't shown you guys the best yet. The big dioramas are still to come. Again, I'm not really sure how the tanks are categorized but I think it's either by skill level, if it's 'out of the box' or scratch or highly modified. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

C4 Open - Small scale vehicles

by Kasper Fischer

This is some of the best small scale vehicles from the C4 Open. It's is actually 3 different categories but I not sure which is which. The first class is kinda easy to spot because it all in 1/48 scale. I especially like the first one because it's not often you see this type of paint-job. It's is from  the Prague uprising in 1945. I have never see this scheme before but I'd really enjoy it. It might be a bit too clean but that's OK as long as it looks good.

The rest is 1/72 scale or smaller. This is two categories but I can't really distinguish between them. It's about skill level or detail level but I'm not sure. No matter what I was completely stunned by the level of details on some of the pieces. Especially some of the dioramas caught my attention. Amazing work...